Food poisoning symptoms

Think you've experienced food poisoning symptoms after dining out? Report it now with SignalConso.Report an issue

Why report food poisoning problems ?

Because it’s easy!During the process, you will be asked questions to help you identify your issue and word your report properly.
Because it’s fast!Just 5 minutes and your report is sent.
Because it’s effective65% of companies and businesses respond to reports.

Concerned about ingredient substitution in catering services?

SignalConso is your free public service for reporting such issues, crucial for those with allergies or special diets. While focusing on consumer rights, we also cover related topics like safety measures in hospitality. Report problems, resolve issues, and make informed choices with SignalConso.

Worried about falsified use-by dates in catering services?

SignalConso helps you report and tackle such critical concerns. Incorrect dates can risk food safety and consumer health. Utilize our free public platform to report violations, resolve issues, and learn about your rights. Make safer choices with SignalConso.

Facing issues with contaminated food in catering services?

Turn to SignalConso, your reliable public platform for reporting such serious concerns. Contaminated food poses a real risk to health and safety. Use our free service to report problems, get them resolved, and know your consumer rights.

Encountered false affiliations or certifications in catering services?

False credentials not only breach trust but also risk consumer safety. Use our free platform to report issues, resolve them, and learn your rights. For concerns about counterfeiting we've got you covered too. Make informed choices with SignalConso.

Concerned about misrepresented hygiene in catering ?

SignalConso is your go-to public service for reporting such issues. Similar to hospitality sector concerns, we help you flag poor practices for immediate action. Make a report, resolve the issue, and educate yourself on consumer rights today!

What will happen after the report is filed?

SignalConso takes care of the rest. Your report is sent to the company or business and can be viewed at any time by our team at DGCCRF... tout de suite! If you asked about your rights, a member of our team will get in touch with you to respond to your query and offer guidance on what to do next.
If necessary, you can opt to remain anonymous. Otherwise, we will share your details with the company or business, so that they can contact you directly.
Your report will also be logged on the DGCCRF database. This ensures our staff have the best possible information to support their checks and investigations.

What is SignalConso ?

Every day in France, some 60 million consumers buy goods and services from almost 10 million businesses. Some of these purchases take place online. How are consumer rights monitored? By our staff of 3,000 officers at DGCCRF. That's why was launched.

Despite the best efforts of our investigators, we can't uncover everything, especially the most minor and frequent offences. That's why you, the consumer, are the one best placed to spot them and to exercise your rights.

This site provides assistance before, during and after a purchase. In just a few clicks, you can report any issues you run into when dealing with companies or businesses. SignalConso is also on hand to respond to your queries, provide guidance about your rights as a consumer, and help you navigate the stages of the process, referring you to the appropriate person where necessary.

Companies and businesses that are reported can view reports that you make and may opt to rectify an issue of their own accord. If a business receives an excessively high volume or frequent number of reports, the DGCCRF investigation team may take further action.

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